
Ahava Factory

The Dead Sea is an oasis in the middle of the wilderness; a unique salty lake and muddy shoreline that holds the Earth’s greatest concentration of skin-moisturizing minerals; sea water filled with a one-of-a-kind, age- delaying algae; and skin-soothing plants that grow in the driest desert conditions.

In 1988, AHAVA began clinical research into the powerful effects of its rich selection of minerals in facilitating skin renewal, forming AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories. Exploring the richness of these natural skin-replenishing treasures and optimizing them with scientific precision in bringing the finest nature-inspired Dead Sea face and body care products to market.

Over the years, AHAVA have cultivated a unique brand identity that is synonymous with the richness, purity and natural goodness that define this mineral rich basin. Through ongoing efforts, they have rightfully earned the reputation as the definitive Dead Sea cosmetic brand.