As you travel north of Jerusalem a few things that happened in Genesis, become reality before your eyes. In Genesis 12:8 we read that it was at a place called Bethel where Abraham built and altar and that Lot moved his herds away from Abraham. Maybe you can imagine Jacob laying down somewhere here in Bethel and having the dream of a ladder connecting heaven and earth. Continue your travels and you will reach the much spoken about Shilo where over 3000 years ago the children of Israel gathered to erect the Tabernacle.
Ever wondered much about David and Goliath? What a fascinating truth! Take a walk in the Valley of Elah where this famous victory took place and allow yourself to be taken back in time to this miracle that happened here.
If the existence of Israel is close to your heart then you will be in awe of the sculptures at the Scrolls of Fire where the story of the rebirth of the Nation of Israel is depicted from the Holocaust up to the Six Day War.
- Beit-El
- Shilo
- Beit Shemesh
- Mini Israel
- Tel Azekah
- Valley of Elah
- Scrolls of Fire
- Neot Kedumim