
Mishkan Village

Situated in the heart of Jerusalem is the exhibition of the Tabernacle as in the time of Moses.  Kfar HaMishkan is primarily an exhibition, which is developed around the central narrative of “A Journey through Time”, a portrayal of how the faith, culture, customs and religious expression as well as the history of the covenant people as described in the Scriptures were shaped. The exhibition combines modern technology with the ancient events that shaped the history of all the nations. At the center of this is the nation of Israel and her relationship with God. The heart of this unfolding story is the Tabernacle, a structure for which God gave Moses clear instructions on exactly how it should be built. The Tabernacle of Moses embodies the concept of how “God wants to dwell with man”. The exhibition proclaims this rich history of a people who are once again coming together as a nation from a diversity of cultural differences to embrace the values of this unique faith of which Abraham is the father.