Chai Tourism & Hospitality was born from a vision to help tourists to experience Israel and its people, from the ancient perspective that the events of the Scriptures unfolded in the land of Israel and not just to view the historic sites.  A visit to Israel is more than a tour to some ancient sites. It is a discovery of the reality of a relationship which has existed for thousands of years between the Heavenly Father and a chosen people and how this has shaped the history of all mankind.  It is also the realization that this same Heavenly Father wants to have a meaningful relationship with everyone, which will lead us to life.

We have brought thousands of visitors to Israel since 2005.  We kept on expanding in doing so by arranging expeditions to the land of Israel from this unique perspective while presenting these visits in a refreshingly different way than the normal  hop-on hop-off the bus visits to sites. We do so by tailor-made innovative initiatives focused to the needs of the composition of the group, whether it for youth, business people, couples, families or a specific interest group. Our desire to enable people to fulfil their dreams is a growing constant driving force behind all of the initiatives of Chai Tourism.    We have specialised in bringing focused groups to Israel offering them a new understanding of the Word in the land which the Father has chosen.

As the years went by we became aware of a fast growing need for 2nd and 3rd time visitors who also desired to bring along friends to enjoy the same experience they had. Some even started to organise a group of people to share the revelation which they received.  Our dream also expanded and now we would like to offer everybody the opportunity to visit Israel, according to their personal needs and desires.

From first time visitors to those who know the land like the palm of their hand, we seek to assist others in the planning and arranging of all of your visits to Israel. Our heart is for you to sit back and relax, while we take the load of your shoulders and help you to either visit for the first time or bring your own group from your circle of friend, family and your sphere of influence to visit Israel while you can also lead them on this journey to life.